Extreme Flight 104″ Laser EXP: This lightweight strong aerobat flies like a dream
Extreme Flight has added another champion to their amazing line up with the new 104” Laser EXP. The Laser is constructed of balsa, fiberglass, and lots of carbon fiber to give it incredible strength and keep the weight as low as possible.
• Prop: Falcon carbon 28x10 and white carbon spinner (falconpropellers.com)
+ Carbon-fiber for lightweight strength
+ Cutout in canopy hatch to access fuel tank
+ Great online instructions with color photos
- I beefed up the canopy hatch, which only had two small tabs to hold the canopy in place..
Unique Features The Laser is offered in two very distinct color schemes: the red scheme on Leo Loudenslager’s Bud Light Laser and a red, white, and blue scheme. Both are preprinted...
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